Laid-Back Camp△ (also known as Yuru Camp△ in Japan) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Afro. The story is set in and around Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan, and follows the adventures of Rin Shima, Nadeshiko Kagamihara, and their friends as they travel to various campsites and tourist sposts across the country. The series combines outdoor exploration with a laid-back atmosphere, making it a delightful read for fans of camping and relaxation.
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Rin stops here and checks the time while showing us a great view of Mt. Fuji.
Rin first encounters Nadeshiko sleeping here, on a bench in the waiting shed.
This is where Rin checks in for the Lake Motosu Campsite.
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Rin rides her bike down here to the lakeside. Nadeshiko also chases a scared Rin down the path later that night.
Rin cycles through this area as she heads to the lakeside.
Rin pitches her tent here beside Lake Motosu.
Rin gathers pinecones and firewood in this forested area.
Nadeshiko cycles through this bridge on the way to Utsubuna Station from her home.
This is where the main protagonists go to school!
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Known as Fumoto Campgrounds in the anime, this is where Rin went solo camping during a cold, windy day. Nadeshiko catches up with her after learning from Ena that Rin was camping here.
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This is the spot where Rin set up camp at the Fumutoppara Campground.
Rin thought that this was the comfort rooms of the campgrounds.
This is where the real toilet is after Rin misttok the previous location for the comfort rooms.
Rin takes a photo of this building while strolling at the campgrounds.
Rin took a photo of Mt. Fuji with it's upside-down reflection using the surface of the pond.
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Known as Zebra Supermarket in the series, this supermarket is the basis of the supermarket where Aoi works part-time.
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This building is the basis of the liquor shop where Chiaki works part-time. It was painted with the name of the building in the anime for promotion but it does not actually sell liquor.
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This is where Rin's home is located in the anime. It is a closed down flood control warehouse.
This is where Nadeshiko, Aoi, and Chiaki meet for the first camping trip of the Outdoor Activities Club. Nadeshiko was late.
Nadeshiko, Aoi, and Chiaki walked down this bridge on the way to Fuefukigawa Fruit Park. Chiaki tries to hitch a ride at the intersection East of the river as the long walk starts to tire her out.
Known as Fuefuki Park in the series, this park is the destination of Nadeshiko, Aoi, and Chiaki who walked from Yamanashi City Station not knowing there is a bus that goes to the park from the station.
Known as Orchard Kitchen in the series, this is the cafe where Nadeshiko bought vanilla ice cream, Aoi bought a parfait, and Chiaki bought a violet sundae (possibly blueberry).
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This is where Rin took a break in her journey and whaled on a Borscht Set with a Caramel Macchiato.
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This is the onsen where Nadeshiko, Aoi, and Chiaki visited. They overslept in the resting area after a bath so watch out since it can happen to you too!
This is where the actual live camera for the road on Mt. Kirigamine is located. Rin waved here to show Nadeshiko, Aoi, and Chiaki where she was.
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This is where Rin's unfortunate journey to the abandoned onsen starts.
This is the sign that marks the entrance to the abandoned onsen.
Known as the Takabotchi Mineral Spings in the series, this onsen is still standing, but the area has been blocked off from the access road.
This is Rin's first stop after coming back from the disappointing onsen journey. The weather wasn't great on this side of the mountain and cloud cover obstructed her view of the landscape.
Moving on from the Panoramic Lookout, she heads towards the peak of Mt. Takabotchi.
Rin arrives to the peak and notices that there were no clouds covering this side of the mountain, giving a clear view to the town below.
Rin took a night photo of the town this spot overlooks and shared it with Nadeshiko. This location is a must for photographers!
Rin wanders here while going around the place.
Rin wanders here while going around the place.
Rin wanders here while going around the place.
This marker points at the exact place that Nadeshiko, Aoi, and Chiaki pitched their tent and ate their curry for dinner.
This is where Nadeshiko took a photo of the town below and sent it to Rin during the night.
Single otakus beware!
Rin passes through here after her solo camp on Mt. Takabotchi.
This is the place where Shimarin took a bath after missing out on the onsen fun that Nadeshiko's group had.
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This is the place where Rin and Nadeshiko went camping by Lake Shibire. The campsites are opposite of this building and you can rent a boat to ride across the lake if you fancy it. There are no electric eels in the lake.
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This is where Rin's unfortunate journey to the abandoned onsen starts.
This is where Rin and Nadeshiko first met Toba-sensei and her sister.
This is where Nadeshiko was standing while looking at Mt. Fuji. It's only possible to see Mt. Fuji on a clear day.
This is the view that Nadeshiko missed while she was sleeping at the car. Missing this view of Mt. Fuji led her to cycle to Lake Motosu and meet Rin by chance.
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This is Aoi and Chiaki's stop when they go to work at the Zebra Supermarket and the Kawamoto Liquor shop.
This is Nadeshiko, Aoi, and Chiaki leave the train as they head towards the Caribou Outdoor Shop.
This is a store that Nadeshiko passed by when they arrived at Minobu. They even have a Houtou menu here which was the food Nadeshiko saw on a banner outside the store.
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This is the place where Nadeshiko, Aoi, and Chiaki bought Minobu Manjuus. All three of them went back for seconds so make sure to buy enough!
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This is where Nadeshiko, Aoi, and Chiaki sat down and ate the Minobu Manjuus they bought.
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This is where Rin stops to answer Nadeshiko's call.
This bridge is the model of tha bridge that Rin crosses at the base of Minami Alps.
Rin looks at this sign and was astounded by the name of the pass she was headed to.
This Red Arch bridge is the second bridge seen as Rin makes her way through Yashajin Pass.
Rin passes through these onsen buildings as she drives through Yashajin Pass.
The capture point is on the road across the river!
This is where Rin found out that the road up ahead cannot be used by private vehicles.
There may be wild animals such as bears in the area! Please be cautious of your surroundings!
This is where Rin got a drink from a vending machine as she takes a break after finding out about the restricted road.
There may be wild animals such as bears in the area! Please be cautious of your surroundings!
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This is where Rin rests and meets Subaru-san the Tea Lady who was waiting for her companion that ran late.
There may be wild animals such as bears in the area! Please be cautious of your surroundings!
This is where Rin sees Subaru-san off and was given tea.
There may be wild animals such as bears in the area! Please be cautious of your surroundings!
This is where Rin was when Nadeshiko asked for her location. It's directly south of Lake Suwa and there is an observation deck nearby.
They are only open from April to the end of November. Opening hours: 10:00 - 15:00 (Closed on Wednesdays).
This mountainous area was one of the places that Nadeshiko suggested though Rin didn't actually come to this place. The northeast direction fromt this spot has the same area of the curl used in the anime.
This place was one of the places that Nadeshiko suggested though Rin didn't actually come to this place. It is a ski resort in the winter and a mushroom kingdom on warmer seasons.
They are open from April 25 - May 31, 10:00 - 16:00 with last admission at 15:30. They are closed on Thursdays. (Subject to change if Thursday is a national holiday.)
This is the temple where Rin stops by. It is famous for it's legendary dog, which is the reason why Rin visited the place.
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This is where Rin pays her respects for the hero dog that the temple enshrines.
In the series, this part of the temple is where Rin bought one of the cute dog fortunes and got one that says small luck.
This is where Rin rests and grabs a bottle of tea after visiting the Kozenji Temple. She oversleeps out of exhaustion from her trip.
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Rin bought a juicy pork bun from here as she headed to the campgrounds.
Rin sees a stop sign at the side of the road and stops. She is later told by Chiaki that the sign was just left there and that the road is apssable. She then gets off her moped and walks to the campground.
This is the campground where Rin arrives late after oversleeping at the Hayataro Onsen.
This is where Rin pitched her tent in the Jinbagatayama Campground.
This is where Rin sat down on her low chair and cooked her juicy pork bun that she bought from the convenience store.
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This is where Rin, Nadeshiko, Aoi, Ena, and Toba-sensei had their christmas camp!
This is where the campers pitched their tent in the campgrounds.
This is the cafe of the Makaino Farm. This is the place where Aoi and Chiaki ate dessert while Rin, Nadeshiko, and Toba-sensei were at the campgrounds.
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This is where the first stamp of the Yamanashi Lake Stamp Rally is located. It is a center built around Mt. Fuji and it's geography. Nadeshiko bought a blue Mt. Fuji Curry, Aoi bought a dessert of sorts, meanwhile Chiaki bought Lava Fried Chicken.
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This is where Nadeshiko, Aoi, and Chiaki wanted to view Mt. Fuji but due to unfavorable weather, it was hidden behind a fog.
The view is amazing if you can get the timing with the weather right.
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This is where Aoi, and Chiaki rode their bikes rather slowly as fatigue was getting to them. Nadeshiko offered to ride ahead and go back to the bridge but changed her mind after they were inspired by bikers who sped past through them.
This is where Nadeshiko, Aoi, and Chiaki parked their bikes after crossing the Kawaguchiko Bridge.
This is a miniature Mt. Fuji where the bikers from earlier who passed them at the Kawaguchiko Bridge asks Aoi to take a photo of them posing with the monument.
This is where Nadeshiko, Inuko. and Chiaki were given oranges in exchange for taking photos of the biker couple. The couple also showed them their photo album and told them about their history of biking to places together.
Face the greenhouse while including a bit of the pathway in the frame and take a photo!
This is where Nadeshiko, Aoi, and Chiaki parked their bikes after crossing the Kawaguchiko Bridge.
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This is where Nadeshiko, Aoi, and Chiaki rode a cable car to reach Kawaguchiko Tenjoyama Park.
This is where the third stamp of the Yamanashi Lake Stamp Rally is located. In the series, it was located in a café called 「Tanuki-Kissa」.
The capture point id located at the roof top of the building. Face Mt. Fuji and take a photo.
This is where Nadeshiko, Inuko, and Chiaki took photos of the statues. These characters came from a story that was told in the first half of the episode.
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This is where the fourth stamp of the Yamanashi Lake Stamp Rally is located.
This is where the fifth stamp of the Yamanashi Lake Stamp Rally is located. Inuko and Chiaki first met here and became friends. This is also where the Nambu Fire Festival happens too.
This is where Nadeshiko, Inuko, and Chiaki got some drinks after checking out the bridge and the Fire Festival grounds.
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This is where the fifth stamp of the Yamanashi Lake Stamp Rally is located.
This is where Nadeshiko, Aoi, and Chiaki relaxed after getting their stamp at the Shimobe Bridge. Aoi was telling one of her tall tales when a tourist overheard her and wanted to hear more of her stories.
Nadeshiko, Aoi, and Chiaki each bought a hidden wafer sandwich from the store and ate them at the bench located at the right side of building.
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This is where Nadeshiko, Aoi, and Chiaki where they realized that the general depiction of Mt. Fuji on merchandise is a view that can only be seen in Yamanashi.
This is where the sixth stamp of the Yamanashi Lake Stamp Rally is located. This is where Nadeshiko, Aoi, and Chiaki met Ena who was eating at the restaurant. They wanted to eat Tuna Bowls but found out that they don't have the money for it.
This is where the Toba sisters sat while Minami was drinking wine from Yamanashi and Shizuoka. Include the striped path and the small underpass in the distance when taking a photo.
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This is where the seventh stamp of the Yamanashi Lake Stamp Rally is located. Rin caught up with Nadeshiko and gave her the Yamanashi Lake Stamp Rally pamphlet that Rin's grandfather found after Nadeshiko lost it somewhere.
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This is where the eight stamp of the Yamanashi Lake Stamp Rally is located.
This is where the ninth stamp of the Yamanashi Lake Stamp Rally is located.
This is where the tenth stamp of the Yamanashi Lake Stamp Rally is located. This is also the last destination and where Nadeshiko found out that the entire rally was just an event that both Aoi and Chiaki made up for her.
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This is a hotel with an onsen where Rin went through the process of using the sauna, a cold bath, and the hot onsen water multiple times as recommended by Ena.
Shimarin bought a tempura set meal here before heading to the supermarket for camping supplies.
This is where Rin bought camping supplies for her camp with a three-wheeled scooter.
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This former post office building is the model building for Takeda's Bookstore where Rin works part-time.
This is where Nadeshiko works part-time to earn money for her camping equipment.
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This is where Ena exits the post office building with Nadeshiko waiting for her outside the entrance.
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This is where Nadeshiko and Ena ate their lunch while chatting.
Nadeshiko drove through this bridge as she was delivering mail.
Take a photo facing the West or Upstream part of the river to get a similar photo from the anime.
Aoi and Akari walked through these streets in a cutscene.
Face the Southern part of the road from this point to get a photo similar to the anime frame.
Rin gathers pinecones and firewood in this forested area.
This is the second recognizable point in Rin's New Year's solo camping trip.
Face the intesection from this point to get a photo similar to the anime frame.
Rin drives through this bridge early morning on her New Year's solo camping trip.
The capture point is at the southern side of the river. You either have to be creative or get a drone for the shot.
This is the fourth recognizable point in Rin's New Year's solo camping trip.
Face the North side from this point to take a photo similar to the anime frame.
This scenery is the fifth recognizable point in Rin's New Year's solo camping trip.
Face the East and include the distant bridges when taking a photo to make it similar to the anime frame.
This is the sixth recognizable point in Rin's New Year's solo camping trip.
Face the North while including the bend and the river to get a photo similar to the anime frame.
This is where Rin and Nadeshiko meet up by chance as Nadeshiko was buying snacks for break time while Rin was driving to her New Year's solo camping trip destination.
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Rin's first stop on her solo camp journey!
This is the staircase that Rin uses to go to the seaside. Watch out for dog paw prints on the steps and be sure to capture them when you find them!
This is the place where Subaru-san, the Tea Lady from Yashajin Pass works. There is a green tea cafe in the second floor of this place.
The tea Rin bought is called "Himekura". At the cafe, she bought a matcha tiramizu and green tea set.
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This is the shrime that Rin visits on her New Year's Solo Camp. It is related to the dog of the Hoshakuzan Kozenji Temple that she visited in Season 1, Episode 9.
This is the camping grounds Rin chose for her New Years Solo Camping Trip.
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This is where Rin pitched her tent while camping in this camping ground. The anime frame is panning through this scene so it may be wise to take a panoramic shot over a wide angle shot from this point.
This windmill is a very recognizable feature in the anime and it's possible to see it from the camping grounds and the surrounding area.
Rin walks past the glass panel with the onsen icon and the「♨」 symbol and「ゆ」character. The lamp posts separate the icon and the characters in between.
Rin walks through this pathway as she heads to the lighthouse. Face the North-Northwest side of the pathwalk and take a photo above your height and with the frame tilted a little to the left. A wide angle lens may be needed for this shot.
Face the seawall from this direction while includiing the tree in front of the hedge and the tall tree at the right.
Face the lighthouse from this direction while including the windmill in your shot.
Rin stops here to take in the beautiful scenery of the place. She also saw a very small part of Mt. Fuji from this location.
It may be possible to see Mt. Fuji on a very clear day.
Rin parks her moped in this area. It was parked in front of a sign.
During New Year's Eve, a Torii Gate is erected on the beach. The Torii gate on the beach is aligned with the sunrise over the horizon, making for an amazing photo for the New Year.
There may also be people giving out mochi during New Years. Rin got a lot.
This is the station at the lower part of the mountain where Aoi, Akari, Chiaki, and Toba-sensei used to get to the temple at the upper part of the mountain.
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This is the station at the upper part of the mountain where Aoi, Akari, Chiaki, and Toba-sensei used to get to the temple at this side of the mountain.
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This capture point has the Mt. Minobu sign and viewing binoculars seen in the anime.
Facing the top, this place has the same view as in the frame in the anime.
This is the Temple where Aoi, Akari, Chiaki, and Toba-sensei went for their New Years shrine visit.
This is the store that owns the truck where Rin bought pizza from. If the truck is not at the campgrounds, you can just come here and taste for yourself.
Rin ordered a Margherita and pot-au-feu.
This is the place where Toba-sensei rushed to get to in order to witness the Diamond Fuji event.
The capture spot is just a few meters south from this location.
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This is where Rin drove through with her moped as she moves to another camping ground. Include the blue and white sign, the two windmills visible in the frame, and the convex mirror below one of the electric posts.
This is the point in Enshuo bridge where Rin is seen driving on. Do not capture the whole bridge. Just include the two bridge piers from the island across.
A zoom lens may be needed for this capture point.
This is the sign where Rin drives under as she drives to another campground.
These buildings are the basis for the building found in the anime along Route 150.
Rin drives through this spot on her way to the Nagisaen Camping Grounds.
Rin drives through this spot on her way to the Nagisaen Camping Grounds.
This is where Rin camped for the night to meet up with Nadeshiko the next day.
This is where Rin drives through after she checks in at the Nagisaen Camping Grounds.
This is where Rin parks her moped to visit the beach under the Hamanao Bridge.
Take a photo if the pylon across the water from this location.
This is where Rin sets up her low chair and reads a book.
This location was seen in a cutscene from the anime.
This is where Rin took a bath after visiting the Hamanao Bridge.
This is the Torii gate where Rin watched the sun set over.
Rin drives through here as she heads North to buy Ichigo Kirameki.
This sign was featured in a cutscene in the anime.
The yellow building on the left was seen as Rin walks through the street filled with eel restaurants.
The sign of this buiding was seen in the anime as the temptation to Rin's wallet. She didn't fall for it though.
This is the shop where Rin bought Ichigo Kirameki. If you arrive before they open, get a number to reserve a spot before the product is sold out!
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Nadeshiko bought two cream bread-like products from this shop before proceeding to the nearby train station.
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This is where Rin and Nadeshiko met. There are also lots of birds that loiter in the station to the point where you can see them from satellite-based maps.
This is where your wallet will suffer a violent death as Nadeshiko ordered two top-grade unagi (eel) worth ¥4,000 each. Based on their reactions, the price was worth the meal. Even Rin said she'll return to Laka Hamana just to eat the unagi.
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Face the North and take a photo of the road under the Tomei Expressway. Include the two poles directly to the side of this point.
This is where Nadeshiko and her Grandma lives! It's an empty lot in real life though.
This is where Rin, Nadeshiko, and Ayano went at night to see the amazing night view of the entire Lake Hamana area.
Unfortunately, the observatory has been removed and only it's foundations remain. Though you will get a similar view if you use a drone especially at night.
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Aoi, Chiaki, and Ena arrives here, for their Lake Yamanaka camping trip.
The Torii gate capture point is located at the north entrance of the building.
This is where Aoi, Chiaki, and Enagot tickets to use the buses in the area as much as they want for two days.
Aoi, Chiaki, and Ena rush to the bus before they get left behind.
Aoi, Chiaki, and Ena arrive in this waystation before going to Caribou.
This shop was the basis of the design of the Caribou Outdoor Shop in the Mt, Fuji Radar Dome Waystation.
This is where Aoi, Chiaki, and Ena had their bath on their camping trip. Their open-air bath has a great view of Mt. Fuji, though you might not be able to bring a camera in since it's a bath.
Aoi and Chiaki bought Kinako Rice Cake and Ice Cream while Ena bought Matcha Ice Cream.
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This is where Aoi, Chiaki, and Ena bought food to cook for the night at the Lake Yamanaka Campgrounds.
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This is where Aoi, Chiaki, and Ena bought cooking tools for their camp dinner.
This is where Aoi, Chiaki, and Ena failed to spend the night in their tent due to improper equipment against the cold and not checking the weather beforehand.
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This is where Aoi, Chiaki, and Ena pitched their tents for the night.
Aoi, Chiaki, and Ena relax here while watching RC pilots fly their aircraft.
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This is where Nadeshiko got off and heads towards to the Nadeshiko Torii Mt. Fuji in Shizuoka Capture Point.
Rin bought mamemochi and amazake from this cafe.
Take a photo on the left side of the Torii gate and include the blocky concrete marker and a thin metal pole on the right of it. Mt. Fuji ust be on the center with a small offset to the right.
This is where Nadeshiko says her prayers for her first solo camp to be successful.
This is where Nadeshiko was lured into after catching a sniff of yakisoba from the Mt. Fuji in Shizuoka Capture Point.
She didn't fall for the temptation and manages to proceed to the Shigure-yaki/Gomoku Shigure store.
This is where Rin stops over during her camping trip across Hayakawa. She also spots a car similar to Nadeshiko's sister not realizing it was really Sakura's car.
Nadeshiko ordered a Gomoku Shigure/Shigure-yaki and Oden from the counter seat.
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This is where Rin stops by and realizes that the cars she spotted earlier was Sakura. She sneakily follows Sakura but then gets spotted after her phone vibrated. They both talk about the Moped Journey show and Nadeshiko going on her solo camp.
This is where Nadeshiko leaves the train and starts the long walk to the campgrounds.
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This is the campground of Nadeshiko's first solo camp. She meets and offered two little campers some food she cooked later that night.
This is the location where Nadeshiko pitched her tent during her first solo camp.
This is where Rin stops to take in the wabi sabi aesthetic the tunnels gave out as they were closed in the anime.
Face the Northwest and take a photo while including the small building and the tall one.
Face the suspension bridge from this point to get an image similar to the anime.
This is the suspension bridge that Rin tries to cross thinking that the bridge doesn't move much. Howver, the middle parts rocks too much for her taste and decides to head back and and go to the onsen in Villa Amehata.
This is where Sakura trues to buy game food (bear, wild boar, etc.) Sakura first considered a bear paw but after realizing the complexity of the dish, she opted for deer meat instead.
This is where Rin relaxes after she tried to cross the Lake Amehata Suspension Bridge.
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This is where Rin and her grandfather stopped by and to grab a drink before going on their separate ways.
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Look at the direction of Mt. Fuji and Cape Ose and take a picturesque photo here!
This forest has old trees that are thought to be older than 1000 years old. Due to it's rarity, it was designated as a National Natural Monument in 1952. and later on selected as one of the 100 Best Treasures of Numazu.
This is where Rin was feeding the fishes. Be careful not to drop anything in the lake.
Kamike Pond, located at the tip of Cape Ose, is a freshwater pond despite being close to the sea, and is one of the Seven Mysteries of Izu.
The origin of the freshwater on the lake is unknown. Many carps are swarming in the pond.
This is the first geospot featured in the season and Rin's first geospot.
This is one of the famous mountains of Izu and it is formed by upthrusts of magma from tectonic activity.
This is the second geospot featured in the season and the first geospot of Toba-sensei's group.
Aoi, Akari, Ena, and Chiaki bought some wasabi ice cream while Nadeshiko was asleep in the car.
This very unique bridge loops traffic around twice in order to connect to the road below as the sides of the mountains are so steep that building a road at the same height on both sides is impossible.
Rin walked down the staircase and views the Ryugu Sea Cave from inside.
There is a promenade that overlooks the Ryugu Sea Cave, allowing visitors to observe this mysterious sea cave from various locations. The view of the Izu Islands in the distance through the trees is also beautiful.
This is the third geospot featured in the season and Rin's second geospot.
This is where Toba-sensei's group got stuck in traffic due to the Kawazu City Cherry Blossom Festival.
Akari managed to buy some cherry blossom steamed buns due to the traffic buildup on the road.
This is where Rin enjoys a foot bath while waiting for Toba-sensei's group who got stuck in traffic because of the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival. This is also where they meet up some time later.
This is where Rin sat down and got a foot bath while looking at the scenery surrounding the area.
This is where the group bought a burger with sweet-and-spicy sauce, camembert cheese, and fried kinmedai.
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Known in the anime as the Maxpower Shop, this is where the group bought their ingredients for their camp dinner later in the night.
This is where Nadeshiko bought Premium Shimoda Dried Alfonsino and Toba-sensei bought spiny lobster for Operation Shrimp as planned by Chiaki.
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This is where Toba-sensei discovers that the land owner has instituted an all-year camping ban in the Cape which ruined the inital plan to camp in the area.
This location is known for it's daffodil colonies and it's interesting rock formations.
This is the fourth geospot featured in the season and it is Rin's fourth geospot and the second geospot of Toba-sensei's group.
Chiaki took a photo of the rest of the group (excluding Toba-sensei) at the staircase of the lighthouse. There are also strong gusts of wind here.
This area is called "Tawaraiso Beach" in the episode. The unique rock formation was compared to a bunch of hexagonal pencil heads without erasers.
The group sat down and drank some Chunky Red Bean Soup while Toba-sensei is trying to find other suitable locations for camping out.
This is the basis of the Iida Liquor Store in the series. Toba-sensei called the owner, Iida-san, to ask help on looking for another campsite as they cannot camp in Cape Tsumeki. In Episode 13, the group visits the place and meets up with them in person and their pet, Choko, where it was discovered that Ena is starting to go through a Chikuwa withdrawal.
This is a tunnel with a picturesque view that the group drove through on the way to the Izu Orange Center.
The group got some fresh orange juices meanwhile Toba-sensei got a bottle of Mandarin Wine.
The group passes through the place as they head towards the Hosono Plateau Observation Point.
The Hosono Plateau is part of Mount Amagi, which erupted repeatedly between 800,000 and 200,000 years ago.
This is the fifth geospot featured in the season and it is Rin's fifth geospot and the third geospot of Toba-sensei's group.
This is where the group parked their vehicles on the Hosono Plateau as they walked up to the Observation Point.
This is where Rin, Aoi, and Ena sat down and enjoyed the scenery while Akari, Nadeshiko, and Chiaki race to the Observation Point.
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This is where the group rests and takes in the view from the Hosono plateau.
This is where the group relaxes with a bath in the onsen with the view of the Sanshiro Island in the sunset.
This is the location that Iida-san recommended to Toba-sensei after discovering that their initial camping ground of choice did not allow camping.
This is where Rin drove to early in the morning while the rest of the group was still asleep in their tents.
Cape Kogane is said to have one of the best sunsets in Japan.
This is the sixth geospot featured in the season and it is Rin's sixth geospot.
This is where Rin drove to early in the morning while the rest of the group was still asleep in their tents.
There is an open air bath here that over looks the scenery around the coast.
This is the seventh geospot featured in the season and it is Rin's seventh geospot.
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This is where the group ate breakfast. They bought a Seafood Bowl with Sashimi and more. Akari had Tokoroten.
This is where the group viewed the string of islands and the coastline. The view from this observatory is amazing and it's worth taking images of.
Known as「Tensoudou」, it is a designated National Natural Monument and it can be viewed from the promenade or from a sightseeing boat.
This is the eighth geospot featured in the season and it is Rin's eighth geospot and the fourth geospot of Toba-sensei's group.
This land bridge is crossable during low tide which makes the Sanshirou Islands accessible by foot.
Akari was misled by Aoi thinking that Tombolo is some sort of food. Aoi had to buy Akari some food later on for misleading her.
The island is called Sanshirou because depending on the direction and time you at the islands, you can see three islands, more or less.
This is the ninth geospot featured in the season and it is Rin's ninth geospot and the fifth geospot of Toba-sensei's group.
This is where the group bought supplies for their campsite dinner later in the day. Rin drove in front of Toba-sensi's car to enjoy the feeling of driving on the West Izu Skyline.
Rin drove through the road with an impressive view of the sky and the the area below. It is a well-known tourist destination.
Rin walked down the staircase and views the Ryugu Sea Cave from inside.
It is a highland formed by the eruption of Mt. Daruma. You can see Mt. Fuji with an amazing foreground of the terrain from this observatory.
This is the tenth geospot featured in the season and it is Rin's tenth geospot and the sixth geospot of Toba-sensei's group.